


Transalpina, layout sb_transalpina

SB Transalpina Layout

Rânca - Obârşia Lotrului on DN67C Romania
Length: 2000m Run: Drifting Width: 8m Pitboxes: 36
Geotags: 45° 21′ 36″ N, 23° 40′ 09″ E
Tags: RoDrift, Transalpina, DN67C, 2145m

ENG:<br><br>Track was made to replicate the RoDrift Championship event that took place in 2019 on the highest road in Romania the DN67C. At an altitude of 2145m! So called: THE ROAD BETWEEN CLOUDS - THE KING&#39;S ROAD<br><br>Right lane leads!!<br>Track cams can work if the file in: &quot;assettocorsa-content-tracks-sb_transalpina-sb_transalpina-ai&quot; is renamed from &quot;fast_lane.ai_working&quot; to &quot;; Use F3 in game/replay. Mind you having the cameras working will kick you from an Online server if going downhill but they work just great on Singleplayer. Renaming the file to &quot;fast_lane.ai_working&quot; will fix the problem online.<br><br>RO:<br><br>Circuitul a fost construit pentru a replica evenimentul organizat de RoDrift Championship ce a avut loc in 2019 pe cea mai inalta sosea din Romania pe DN67C. La o altitudine de 2145m!<br>Asa numit: DRUMUL DINTRE NORI - DRUMUL REGELUI<br><br>Liderul se aseaza pe partea din dreapta!!<br>Camerele circuitului pot functiona daca fisierul aflat in: &quot;assettocorsa-content-tracks-sb_transalpina-sb_transalpina-ai&quot; este redenumit din &quot;fast_lane.ai_working&quot; in &quot;; Folositi F3 in joc/replay. Aveti grija ca avand camerele activate, veti fi dati afara de pe un server Online daca veti merge in coborare, dar functioneaza perfect in Singleplayer. Redenumirea fisierului in &quot;fast_lane.ai_working&quot; va rezolva problema online.<br><br>Credits:<br><br>3D Work done by the author seen above! Link can be accessed from there.<br><br>Official RoDrift Championship&#39;s Facebook Page:<br><br>Official RoDrift Championship&#39;s YouTube Channel:<br><br>Official RoDrift Championship&#39;s Discord Server:<br><br><br>Official partener STAYEPC:<br> / #stayepc /

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