Nrms Ipswich - Oval

16 Jan 24 22:24 CET
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# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 ACSO Hotrod Vauxhall Tigra 00:13.679
Tyre: Hoosier
00:14.038 10 laps / 0 cuts
2 ACSO Hotrod Peugeot 205 00:13.879
Tyre: Hoosier
00:16.245 11 laps / 0 cuts
3 ACSO Hotrod Vauxhall Tigra 00:13.900
Tyre: Hoosier
00:14.084 17 laps / 0 cuts
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with environment 0.8 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.7 X: 11.9 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
2 Collision with environment 1.4 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 5.2 Y: -4.8 Z: -44.9
3 Collision with environment 1.1 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 9.6 Y: -4.8 Z: 43.3
4 Collision with environment 7.2 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.7 X: -25.0 Y: -4.8 Z: -45.0
5 Collision with environment 1.4 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.8 X: 2.7 Y: -4.7 Z: 43.3
Car Env Rel
nrms_ipswich nrms_ipswich collisions
1st RoWdY~57 in ACSO Hotrod Vauxhall Tigra
Best: 00:13.679, Potential: 00:13.622
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 00:48.321 00:38.137 00:04.626 00:05.558 0 Hoosier
2 00:13.810 00:03.694 00:04.495 00:05.621 0 Hoosier
3 00:14.009 00:03.691 00:04.693 00:05.625 0 Hoosier
4 00:13.759 00:03.715 00:04.527 00:05.517 0 Hoosier
5 00:13.807 00:03.651
00:04.572 00:05.584 0 Hoosier
6 01:34.416 01:21.104 00:07.322 00:05.990 0 Hoosier
7 00:13.887 00:03.770 00:04.541 00:05.576 0 Hoosier
8 00:15.327 00:03.685 00:04.649 00:06.993 0 Hoosier
9 00:14.031 00:03.946 00:04.549 00:05.536 0 Hoosier
10 00:13.679
00:03.708 00:04.455
0 Hoosier
2nd Martin SA79 in ACSO Hotrod Peugeot 205
Best: 00:13.879, Potential: 00:13.690
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 00:49.506 00:39.480 00:04.545 00:05.481
0 Hoosier
2 00:34.335 00:24.146 00:04.613 00:05.576 0 Hoosier
3 00:13.918 00:03.824 00:04.505 00:05.589 0 Hoosier
4 00:14.009 00:03.831 00:04.639 00:05.539 0 Hoosier
5 00:51.226 00:41.258 00:04.419
00:05.549 0 Hoosier
6 00:14.113 00:03.812 00:04.523 00:05.778 0 Hoosier
7 00:13.879
00:04.495 00:05.594 0 Hoosier
8 00:13.920 00:03.821 00:04.528 00:05.571 0 Hoosier
9 00:14.111 00:03.905 00:04.600 00:05.606 0 Hoosier
10 00:13.934 00:03.809 00:04.573 00:05.552 0 Hoosier
11 00:13.988 00:03.809 00:04.537 00:05.642 0 Hoosier
3rd Tom Knighton #142 in ACSO Hotrod Vauxhall Tigra
Best: 00:13.900, Potential: 00:13.706
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 00:26.361 00:15.911 00:04.631 00:05.819 0 Hoosier
2 00:14.417 00:04.005 00:04.626 00:05.786 0 Hoosier
3 00:14.232 00:03.872 00:04.600 00:05.760 0 Hoosier
4 00:14.049 00:03.842 00:04.559 00:05.648 0 Hoosier
5 00:14.201 00:03.820 00:04.576 00:05.805 0 Hoosier
6 00:13.943 00:03.800 00:04.474
00:05.669 0 Hoosier
7 00:13.903 00:03.796 00:04.509 00:05.598 0 Hoosier
8 00:13.951 00:03.803 00:04.505 00:05.643 0 Hoosier
9 00:13.933 00:03.732 00:04.580 00:05.621 0 Hoosier
10 00:14.117 00:03.862 00:04.590 00:05.665 0 Hoosier
11 00:14.205 00:03.697
00:04.586 00:05.922 0 Hoosier
12 00:14.022 00:03.910 00:04.577 00:05.535
0 Hoosier
13 00:13.900
00:03.739 00:04.549 00:05.612 0 Hoosier
14 00:14.234 00:03.731 00:04.761 00:05.742 0 Hoosier
15 00:14.042 00:03.782 00:04.662 00:05.598 0 Hoosier
16 00:14.177 00:03.715 00:04.518 00:05.944 0 Hoosier
17 00:14.033 00:03.873 00:04.549 00:05.611 0 Hoosier

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