Arlington 2

25 Aug 23 21:27 CEST
Back to Results
# Name Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Crashes
1 ACSO 1300 Stockcar Nova 00:06:53.540 18 laps / 0 cuts 00:16.572
Tyre: ST
00:17.360 27
2 ACSO 1300 Stockcar Adam 00:06:58.787 18 laps / 0 cuts 00:17.177
Tyre: ST
00:18.741 11
3 ACSO 1300 Stockcar Adam 00:07:06.304 18 laps / 0 cuts 00:16.395
Tyre: ST
00:22.627 57
4 ACSO 1300 Stockcar Civic Delsol 00:07:07.926 18 laps / 0 cuts 00:17.158
Tyre: ST
00:18.197 40
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with environment 7.1 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: -1.7 X: -70.0 Y: 5.3 Z: -11.8
2 Collision with environment 13.4 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 73.3 Y: 5.0 Z: 3.6
3 Collision with environment 7.8 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -68.2 Y: 4.9 Z: -15.8
4 Collision with environment 1.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -48.5 Y: 4.9 Z: -34.0
5 Collision with environment 10.6 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 51.1 Y: 5.2 Z: -34.3
6 Collision with environment 17.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 52.5 Y: 5.3 Z: -33.6
7 Collision with environment 0.3 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 1.5 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.7
8 Collision with car 0.7 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.7 X: -64.6 Y: 4.8 Z: 17.5
9 Collision with car 4.4 MPH X: -0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -64.6 Y: 4.8 Z: 17.5
10 Collision with environment 2.1 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 11.7 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.7
11 Collision with environment 15.0 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: -70.4 Y: 5.3 Z: 12.4
12 Collision with environment 14.0 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 72.0 Y: 5.0 Z: -9.7
13 Collision with environment 43.1 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 0.9 Y: 5.0 Z: -38.3
14 Collision with environment 35.7 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 30.1 Y: 5.3 Z: 37.6
15 Collision with environment 33.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: -58.4 Y: 5.3 Z: -28.0
16 Collision with environment 1.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -7.6 Y: 5.0 Z: 37.7
17 Collision with environment 32.8 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 41.8 Y: 5.3 Z: 36.9
18 Collision with environment 31.0 MPH X: 0.7 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 73.1 Y: 4.9 Z: 5.4
19 Collision with environment 44.1 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 11.2 Y: 5.0 Z: -38.2
20 Collision with environment 2.3 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 29.4 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.6
21 Collision with environment 0.7 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -8.4 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.7
22 Collision with environment 14.9 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -54.3 Y: 5.3 Z: -30.9
23 Collision with environment 0.3 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 14.6 Y: 5.0 Z: 37.6
24 Collision with environment 0.3 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: -1.7 X: -0.7 Y: 5.0 Z: -38.3
25 Collision with environment 30.5 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.4 X: 65.4 Y: 4.9 Z: 24.7
26 Collision with environment 0.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -7.2 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.7
27 Collision with environment 29.4 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.4 X: -62.3 Y: 4.9 Z: -24.1
28 Collision with environment 35.8 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 22.0 Y: 5.3 Z: 37.6
29 Collision with environment 7.4 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.7 X: -62.8 Y: 4.9 Z: -23.5
30 Collision with environment 3.2 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 62.8 Y: 5.0 Z: 27.2
31 Collision with environment 0.7 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.7 X: -5.2 Y: 5.0 Z: 37.7
32 Collision with environment 1.9 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 28.2 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.6
33 Collision with environment 38.8 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: -27.6 Y: 5.3 Z: -37.9
34 Collision with environment 28.3 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -71.5 Y: 5.3 Z: 5.9
35 Collision with car 5.3 MPH X: 0.4 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.7 X: -10.7 Y: 5.0 Z: -37.5
36 Collision with environment 40.0 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -1.0 Y: 5.0 Z: -38.3
37 Collision with car 4.6 MPH X: 0.6 Y: 0.3 Z: -1.9 X: -11.1 Y: 5.0 Z: -37.4
38 Collision with environment 35.6 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 31.3 Y: 5.3 Z: 37.6
39 Collision with car 7.8 MPH X: -0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 0.7 X: 39.1 Y: 5.2 Z: 34.4
40 Collision with car 4.0 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 38.6 Y: 5.1 Z: 34.5
41 Collision with environment 13.7 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: -65.7 Y: 5.3 Z: 22.9
42 Collision with car 5.4 MPH X: -0.4 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.7 X: -68.5 Y: 5.3 Z: 14.0
43 Collision with environment 2.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 12.0 Y: 5.0 Z: 37.7
44 Collision with environment 17.5 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -69.4 Y: 4.9 Z: 15.8
45 Collision with car 5.6 MPH X: -0.6 Y: 0.3 Z: -1.8 X: -68.6 Y: 5.3 Z: 14.3
46 Collision with environment 28.8 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.4 X: 72.0 Y: 4.6 Z: -9.7
47 Collision with environment 15.2 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 59.7 Y: 5.3 Z: -28.7
48 Collision with environment 17.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 26.5 Y: 5.3 Z: 37.6
49 Collision with car 8.8 MPH X: -0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 13.4 Y: 4.8 Z: 35.4
50 Collision with car 8.0 MPH X: -0.7 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.8 X: -36.5 Y: 4.8 Z: 33.8
51 Collision with car 6.6 MPH X: 0.4 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.7 X: -36.7 Y: 4.8 Z: 33.7
52 Collision with environment 29.1 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: -1.7 X: -67.6 Y: 5.3 Z: 19.8
53 Collision with car 14.3 MPH X: -0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.2 X: -63.3 Y: 4.9 Z: 22.8
54 Collision with environment 37.1 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -69.8 Y: 5.0 Z: 14.6
55 Collision with car 10.3 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.4 X: -31.5 Y: 4.9 Z: -36.1
56 Collision with environment 25.0 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.4 X: 61.5 Y: 4.9 Z: -27.0
57 Collision with car 9.1 MPH X: -0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 66.8 Y: 5.0 Z: -14.0
58 Collision with car 6.1 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 0.0 X: 66.9 Y: 5.0 Z: -13.9
59 Collision with environment 28.2 MPH X: 0.7 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 73.3 Y: 4.9 Z: 3.6
60 Collision with car 9.8 MPH X: -0.6 Y: 0.4 Z: -1.9 X: -58.7 Y: 5.2 Z: 23.1
61 Collision with environment 28.5 MPH X: 0.7 Y: 0.3 Z: -1.7 X: -70.3 Y: 5.3 Z: 13.2
62 Collision with environment 1.7 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.0 Z: -1.7 X: -10.3 Y: 5.1 Z: 37.7
63 Collision with car 9.6 MPH X: -0.4 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.7 X: -59.0 Y: 5.2 Z: 22.9
64 Collision with environment 36.3 MPH X: 0.7 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -70.1 Y: 5.3 Z: 13.8
65 Collision with environment 0.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -7.6 Y: 5.0 Z: 37.7
66 Collision with environment 43.2 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -71.0 Y: 4.9 Z: 9.5
67 Collision with car 7.5 MPH X: -0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 0.4 X: -62.7 Y: 4.8 Z: -19.7
68 Collision with car 3.8 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.4 Z: -1.7 X: 58.9 Y: 5.3 Z: -27.8
69 Collision with environment 30.6 MPH X: 0.6 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.5 X: 61.5 Y: 4.9 Z: -27.0
70 Collision with car 17.9 MPH X: -0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 58.1 Y: 4.9 Z: -28.2
71 Collision with environment 25.8 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 58.8 Y: 5.3 Z: -29.6
72 Collision with environment 24.6 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 37.2 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.4
73 Collision with environment 26.4 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 61.5 Y: 5.3 Z: 28.4
74 Collision with environment 27.5 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.5 X: -70.8 Y: 5.0 Z: 11.1
75 Collision with environment 1.2 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 10.4 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.7
76 Collision with environment 31.2 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: -1.7 X: 61.9 Y: 5.3 Z: -26.6
77 Collision with car 8.3 MPH X: 0.4 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.7 X: 68.3 Y: 4.7 Z: 12.0
78 Collision with car 9.0 MPH X: -0.7 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.7 X: 68.4 Y: 4.7 Z: 11.9
79 Collision with environment 24.0 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 52.6 Y: 5.3 Z: 33.9
80 Collision with environment 13.6 MPH X: 0.6 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.5 X: 66.2 Y: 4.8 Z: -21.5
81 Collision with environment 45.3 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 21.7 Y: 5.0 Z: -38.2
82 Collision with environment 0.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.7 X: -15.9 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.7
83 Collision with environment 1.8 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.7 X: 24.2 Y: 5.0 Z: 37.6
84 Collision with environment 42.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -4.1 Y: 5.0 Z: -38.3
85 Collision with environment 28.1 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: -67.7 Y: 5.3 Z: 19.6
86 Collision with environment 30.4 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 72.6 Y: 4.9 Z: -6.9
87 Collision with environment 28.9 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -71.0 Y: 4.9 Z: 9.5
88 Collision with car 11.1 MPH X: -0.5 Y: 0.3 Z: -1.8 X: 48.6 Y: 5.1 Z: -31.2
89 Collision with environment 13.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 60.6 Y: 5.3 Z: -27.9
90 Collision with car 10.2 MPH X: 0.5 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.7 X: 48.7 Y: 5.1 Z: -31.2
91 Collision with environment 1.3 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -7.0 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.7
92 Collision with environment 32.9 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.4 X: 37.2 Y: 5.0 Z: 37.4
93 Collision with environment 2.8 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.4 X: 2.9 Y: 5.0 Z: 37.7
94 Collision with car 2.9 MPH X: 0.4 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.7 X: -69.6 Y: 5.3 Z: 3.2
95 Collision with car 7.7 MPH X: -0.6 Y: 0.2 Z: -1.9 X: -69.4 Y: 5.3 Z: -8.5
96 Collision with environment 34.9 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: -68.5 Y: 5.3 Z: -15.3
97 Collision with car 4.3 MPH X: -0.0 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.7 X: -69.5 Y: 5.3 Z: -8.7
98 Collision with environment 14.6 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.3 X: -69.4 Y: 5.3 Z: -13.4
99 Collision with car 14.1 MPH X: -0.6 Y: 0.2 Z: -1.9 X: 44.4 Y: 5.0 Z: -30.7
100 Collision with environment 39.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 12.0 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.6
101 Collision with car 29.8 MPH X: -0.4 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.7 X: 69.2 Y: 5.0 Z: -15.3
102 Collision with environment 40.1 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 69.8 Y: 4.6 Z: -16.3
103 Collision with environment 46.4 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 70.5 Y: 5.0 Z: -14.6
104 Collision with car 25.8 MPH X: -0.6 Y: 0.4 Z: -1.9 X: 68.2 Y: 5.0 Z: -16.3
105 Collision with environment 16.9 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 39.9 Y: 5.3 Z: 37.1
106 Collision with car 15.0 MPH X: 0.3 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.7 X: -46.6 Y: 5.1 Z: 30.7
107 Collision with environment 45.4 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: -1.7 X: -64.3 Y: 5.3 Z: 24.8
108 Collision with car 35.9 MPH X: 0.6 Y: 0.2 Z: -1.8 X: -64.5 Y: 5.3 Z: 22.3
109 Collision with car 13.5 MPH X: -0.1 Y: 0.1 Z: 1.7 X: -64.4 Y: 5.1 Z: 21.9
110 Collision with environment 31.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -66.9 Y: 5.3 Z: 21.1
111 Collision with environment 30.9 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -71.9 Y: 5.3 Z: -3.5
112 Collision with environment 3.3 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: -1.7 X: 16.6 Y: 5.0 Z: -38.2
113 Collision with environment 14.6 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 62.1 Y: 5.3 Z: -26.4
114 Collision with car 6.9 MPH X: -0.4 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.7 X: 39.9 Y: 5.2 Z: 34.8
115 Collision with car 6.3 MPH X: 0.3 Y: 0.2 Z: -1.9 X: 40.0 Y: 5.2 Z: 34.9
116 Collision with environment 3.7 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: -1.7 X: 32.5 Y: 5.3 Z: 37.6
117 Collision with environment 25.9 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -61.5 Y: 5.3 Z: 28.1
118 Collision with environment 5.3 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 4.8 Y: 5.0 Z: -38.3
119 Collision with environment 30.8 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.4 X: -48.0 Y: 4.9 Z: -34.2
120 Collision with environment 0.9 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 3.5 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.7
121 Collision with environment 0.4 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -16.4 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.7
122 Collision with environment 16.9 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 43.9 Y: 5.3 Z: 36.5
123 Collision with environment 35.2 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 27.3 Y: 5.3 Z: 37.6
124 Collision with environment 33.0 MPH X: 0.7 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: -63.7 Y: 5.3 Z: 25.5
125 Collision with environment 2.4 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -13.6 Y: 4.9 Z: 37.7
126 Collision with environment 15.2 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 63.2 Y: 5.3 Z: -25.2
127 Collision with environment 24.4 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: -1.7 X: 61.7 Y: 5.3 Z: -26.7
128 Collision with environment 19.2 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: -22.7 Y: 5.3 Z: 37.7
129 Collision with environment 40.6 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -11.7 Y: 5.0 Z: 37.7
130 Collision with environment 17.1 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 69.3 Y: 4.6 Z: -17.2
131 Collision with environment 9.8 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 46.1 Y: 5.1 Z: -36.2
132 Collision with environment 13.0 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: -66.8 Y: 5.3 Z: 21.3
133 Collision with environment 16.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.3 X: 59.6 Y: 5.3 Z: -28.8
134 Collision with environment 39.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: 6.9 Y: 5.0 Z: -38.3
135 Collision with environment 12.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -71.2 Y: 5.3 Z: 8.7
Car Env Rel
arlington_2 arlington_2 collisions
1st Brucey136 in ACSO 1300 Stockcar Nova
Best: 00:16.572, Potential: 00:16.572
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 3 01:58.424 01:12.277 00:46.147 0 ST
2 3 00:23.402 00:14.164 00:09.238 0 ST
3 3 00:16.572
0 ST
4 3 00:16.775 00:07.875 00:08.900 0 ST
5 3 00:16.783 00:07.904 00:08.879 0 ST
6 3 00:16.800 00:07.930 00:08.870 0 ST
7 3 00:16.883 00:07.938 00:08.945 0 ST
8 2 00:17.300 00:08.192 00:09.108 0 ST
9 3 00:17.048 00:08.166 00:08.882 0 ST
10 3 00:17.386 00:07.936 00:09.450 0 ST
11 2 00:17.105 00:08.074 00:09.031 0 ST
12 1 00:17.103 00:08.157 00:08.946 0 ST
13 1 00:17.001 00:08.077 00:08.924 0 ST
14 1 00:16.915 00:08.001 00:08.914 0 ST
15 1 00:17.078 00:07.993 00:09.085 0 ST
16 1 00:16.909 00:08.012 00:08.897 0 ST
17 1 00:16.881 00:07.993 00:08.888 0 ST
18 1 00:17.190 00:08.135 00:09.055 0 ST
2nd Joe Harrington in ACSO 1300 Stockcar Adam
Best: 00:17.177, Potential: 00:17.177
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 2 01:40.200 01:18.573 00:21.627 0 ST
2 1 00:36.238 00:25.290 00:10.948 0 ST
3 1 00:17.177
0 ST
4 1 00:17.561 00:08.346 00:09.215 0 ST
5 1 00:17.454 00:08.246 00:09.208 0 ST
6 1 00:17.482 00:08.298 00:09.184 0 ST
7 1 00:17.475 00:08.285 00:09.190 0 ST
8 1 00:17.644 00:08.324 00:09.320 0 ST
9 1 00:17.591 00:08.389 00:09.202 0 ST
10 1 00:17.625 00:08.287 00:09.338 0 ST
11 1 00:17.509 00:08.225 00:09.284 0 ST
12 2 00:19.013 00:09.510 00:09.503 0 ST
13 2 00:17.494 00:08.305 00:09.189 0 ST
14 2 00:17.573 00:08.259 00:09.314 0 ST
15 2 00:17.597 00:08.269 00:09.328 0 ST
16 2 00:17.570 00:08.309 00:09.261 0 ST
17 2 00:17.751 00:08.499 00:09.252 0 ST
18 2 00:17.851 00:08.378 00:09.473 0 ST
3rd twiggydriver62 in ACSO 1300 Stockcar Adam
Best: 00:16.395, Potential: 00:16.395
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 1 00:41.650 00:19.452 00:22.198 0 ST
2 2 01:35.307 01:23.670 00:11.637 0 ST
3 2 00:17.478 00:08.199 00:09.279 0 ST
4 2 00:17.765 00:08.437 00:09.328 0 ST
5 2 00:17.525 00:08.301 00:09.224 0 ST
6 2 00:17.517 00:08.363 00:09.154 0 ST
7 2 00:18.171 00:08.644 00:09.527 0 ST
8 3 00:17.887 00:08.549 00:09.338 0 ST
9 2 00:16.395
0 ST
10 2 00:17.495 00:08.648 00:08.847 0 ST
11 3 00:18.992 00:09.875 00:09.117 0 ST
12 3 00:21.162 00:10.964 00:10.198 0 ST
13 3 00:17.761 00:08.360 00:09.401 0 ST
14 4 00:18.321 00:08.695 00:09.626 0 ST
15 4 00:18.094 00:08.338 00:09.756 0 ST
16 3 00:18.262 00:08.569 00:09.693 0 ST
17 3 00:18.010 00:08.601 00:09.409 0 ST
18 3 00:18.527 00:08.515 00:10.012 0 ST
4th Joshua Beattie in ACSO 1300 Stockcar Civic Delsol
Best: 00:17.158, Potential: 00:17.082
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 4 01:58.607 00:19.410 01:39.197 0 ST
2 4 00:23.699 00:13.917 00:09.782 0 ST
3 4 00:18.011 00:09.039 00:08.972
0 ST
4 4 00:17.656 00:08.337 00:09.319 0 ST
5 4 00:17.366 00:08.272 00:09.094 0 ST
6 4 00:17.751 00:08.544 00:09.207 0 ST
7 4 00:17.158
00:08.118 00:09.040 0 ST
8 4 00:17.195 00:08.110
00:09.085 0 ST
9 4 00:17.269 00:08.233 00:09.036 0 ST
10 4 00:17.565 00:08.258 00:09.307 0 ST
11 4 00:18.225 00:09.054 00:09.171 0 ST
12 4 00:17.289 00:08.293 00:08.996 0 ST
13 4 00:17.671 00:08.527 00:09.144 0 ST
14 3 00:17.735 00:08.502 00:09.233 0 ST
15 3 00:17.849 00:08.192 00:09.657 0 ST
16 4 00:21.269 00:09.083 00:12.186 0 ST
17 4 00:17.629 00:08.372 00:09.257 0 ST
18 4 00:18.015 00:08.362 00:09.653 0 ST

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