
18 Apr 23 00:26 CEST
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# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 ACSO Hotrod Citoren Saxo 00:13.316
Tyre: Hoosier
00:13.545 31 laps / 0 cuts
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with environment 3.6 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: 13.3 Y: 0.9 Z: 35.7
2 Collision with environment 4.5 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: 10.4 Y: 0.9 Z: 35.8
3 Collision with environment 13.2 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.2 X: -7.5 Y: 0.8 Z: -35.2
4 Collision with environment 1.1 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: 22.3 Y: 0.8 Z: 35.5
5 Collision with environment 1.9 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: 22.1 Y: 0.8 Z: 35.5
6 Collision with environment 6.7 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: 30.9 Y: 0.8 Z: 35.3
7 Collision with environment 18.6 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: 19.7 Y: 1.3 Z: 35.6
8 Collision with environment 16.5 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: -73.4 Y: 1.3 Z: 24.3
Car Env Rel
northampton northampton collisions
1st Jamie Miles in ACSO Hotrod Citoren Saxo
Best: 00:13.316, Potential: 00:13.316
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 01:14.297 01:07.242 00:07.055 0 Hoosier
2 00:13.543 00:06.554 00:06.989 0 Hoosier
3 00:13.613 00:06.638 00:06.975 0 Hoosier
4 00:13.516 00:06.573 00:06.943 0 Hoosier
5 00:13.551 00:06.585 00:06.966 0 Hoosier
6 00:13.697 00:06.749 00:06.948 0 Hoosier
7 00:13.561 00:06.617 00:06.944 0 Hoosier
8 00:13.636 00:06.611 00:07.025 0 Hoosier
9 00:54.482 00:47.557 00:06.925 0 Hoosier
10 00:13.372 00:06.496 00:06.876 0 Hoosier
11 00:13.402 00:06.530 00:06.872 0 Hoosier
12 00:13.429 00:06.548 00:06.881 0 Hoosier
13 00:59.779 00:52.818 00:06.961 0 Hoosier
14 00:13.316
0 Hoosier
15 00:13.503 00:06.546 00:06.957 0 Hoosier
16 00:13.608 00:06.687 00:06.921 0 Hoosier
17 00:13.472 00:06.560 00:06.912 0 Hoosier
18 00:13.485 00:06.541 00:06.944 0 Hoosier
19 00:13.968 00:06.749 00:07.219 0 Hoosier
20 00:13.518 00:06.534 00:06.984 0 Hoosier
21 00:13.517 00:06.560 00:06.957 0 Hoosier
22 00:13.606 00:06.644 00:06.962 0 Hoosier
23 00:13.515 00:06.602 00:06.913 0 Hoosier
24 00:13.715 00:06.749 00:06.966 0 Hoosier
25 00:13.700 00:06.663 00:07.037 0 Hoosier
26 00:13.539 00:06.577 00:06.962 0 Hoosier
27 02:23.086 02:16.183 00:06.903 0 Hoosier
28 00:13.461 00:06.594 00:06.867 0 Hoosier
29 00:13.436 00:06.565 00:06.871 0 Hoosier
30 00:13.547 00:06.554 00:06.993 0 Hoosier
31 00:13.489 00:06.627 00:06.862 0 Hoosier

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