
15 Feb 23 16:03 CET
Back to Results
# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 ACSO Hotrod Citoren Saxo 00:13.633
Tyre: Hoosier
00:14.105 59 laps / 0 cuts
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with environment 12.2 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.2 X: 44.9 Y: 0.4 Z: 33.2
2 Collision with environment 4.9 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.0 X: -33.9 Y: 0.5 Z: -42.7
3 Collision with environment 20.7 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.6 X: -38.4 Y: 0.7 Z: -42.7
4 Collision with environment 0.6 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: 24.4 Y: 0.4 Z: 34.8
5 Collision with environment 13.1 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: 1.5 Y: 0.4 Z: 35.9
6 Collision with environment 8.3 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.2 X: 30.1 Y: 0.4 Z: 34.3
7 Collision with environment 4.9 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: -36.1 Y: 0.4 Z: -42.7
8 Collision with environment 0.8 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: 20.2 Y: 0.4 Z: -42.8
9 Collision with environment 6.2 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.2 X: -29.4 Y: 0.4 Z: -42.8
10 Collision with environment 4.3 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: 18.7 Y: 0.4 Z: 35.2
11 Collision with environment 1.7 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: -2.2 X: -7.9 Y: 0.8 Z: -44.0
12 Collision with environment 22.9 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: -29.4 Y: 0.8 Z: -42.8
13 Collision with environment 2.3 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: -36.1 Y: 0.4 Z: -42.7
14 Collision with environment 6.9 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: -28.8 Y: 0.4 Z: -42.9
15 Collision with environment 6.1 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.0 X: -29.4 Y: 0.5 Z: -42.8
16 Collision with environment 5.5 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: -27.4 Y: 0.4 Z: -42.9
17 Collision with environment 26.7 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: -26.9 Y: 0.8 Z: 33.1
18 Collision with environment 17.1 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.8 X: -26.9 Y: 0.4 Z: -43.0
19 Collision with environment 2.9 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: -32.0 Y: 0.4 Z: -42.7
20 Collision with environment 6.3 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.4 X: -31.2 Y: 0.8 Z: -42.8
21 Collision with environment 4.8 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: -22.6 Y: 0.4 Z: 33.5
22 Collision with environment 9.9 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: -20.1 Y: 0.4 Z: -43.3
23 Collision with environment 5.2 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: 29.8 Y: 0.4 Z: 34.4
24 Collision with environment 1.6 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: 27.0 Y: 0.4 Z: -42.2
25 Collision with environment 0.4 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.3 X: -28.9 Y: 0.4 Z: 32.9
Car Env Rel
hednesford hednesford collisions
1st Jamie Miles in ACSO Hotrod Citoren Saxo
Best: 00:13.633, Potential: 00:13.615
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 00:57.916 00:50.257 00:07.659 0 Hoosier
2 00:14.293 00:07.363 00:06.930 0 Hoosier
3 00:14.347 00:07.476 00:06.871 0 Hoosier
4 00:14.351 00:07.327 00:07.024 0 Hoosier
5 00:14.646 00:07.612 00:07.034 0 Hoosier
6 00:14.647 00:07.312 00:07.335 0 Hoosier
7 00:14.154 00:07.237 00:06.917 0 Hoosier
8 00:14.256 00:07.433 00:06.823 0 Hoosier
9 00:14.066 00:07.186 00:06.880 0 Hoosier
10 00:14.033 00:07.166 00:06.867 0 Hoosier
11 00:14.182 00:07.167 00:07.015 0 Hoosier
12 00:36.379 00:29.282 00:07.097 0 Hoosier
13 00:14.833 00:07.619 00:07.214 0 Hoosier
14 00:39.448 00:32.702 00:06.746 0 Hoosier
15 00:14.162 00:07.304 00:06.858 0 Hoosier
16 00:14.065 00:07.175 00:06.890 0 Hoosier
17 00:13.848 00:07.151 00:06.697 0 Hoosier
18 00:13.967 00:07.199 00:06.768 0 Hoosier
19 00:13.899 00:07.108 00:06.791 0 Hoosier
20 00:13.950 00:07.092 00:06.858 0 Hoosier
21 00:14.202 00:07.217 00:06.985 0 Hoosier
22 00:13.976 00:07.217 00:06.759 0 Hoosier
23 00:34.391 00:27.205 00:07.186 0 Hoosier
24 00:14.083 00:07.193 00:06.890 0 Hoosier
25 00:14.091 00:07.264 00:06.827 0 Hoosier
26 00:14.138 00:07.101 00:07.037 0 Hoosier
27 00:14.195 00:07.347 00:06.848 0 Hoosier
28 00:13.849 00:07.041 00:06.808 0 Hoosier
29 00:14.959 00:07.376 00:07.583 0 Hoosier
30 00:14.131 00:07.300 00:06.831 0 Hoosier
31 00:13.865 00:07.089 00:06.776 0 Hoosier
32 00:13.907 00:07.144 00:06.763 0 Hoosier
33 00:13.971 00:07.122 00:06.849 0 Hoosier
34 01:13.912 01:07.005 00:06.907 0 Hoosier
35 00:14.154 00:07.331 00:06.823 0 Hoosier
36 00:14.004 00:07.218 00:06.786 0 Hoosier
37 00:13.914 00:07.155 00:06.759 0 Hoosier
38 00:13.886 00:07.123 00:06.763 0 Hoosier
39 00:13.876 00:07.094 00:06.782 0 Hoosier
40 01:38.745 01:32.076 00:06.669 0 Hoosier
41 00:14.661 00:07.685 00:06.976 0 Hoosier
42 00:14.004 00:07.155 00:06.849 0 Hoosier
43 00:14.112 00:07.299 00:06.813 0 Hoosier
44 00:13.945 00:07.280 00:06.665 0 Hoosier
45 00:13.717 00:07.111 00:06.606
0 Hoosier
46 00:14.005 00:07.133 00:06.872 0 Hoosier
47 00:13.884 00:07.125 00:06.759 0 Hoosier
48 00:13.688 00:07.051 00:06.637 0 Hoosier
49 00:13.633
00:06.624 0 Hoosier
50 00:14.257 00:07.349 00:06.908 0 Hoosier
51 00:13.834 00:07.223 00:06.611 0 Hoosier
52 00:14.316 00:07.016 00:07.300 0 Hoosier
53 00:14.111 00:07.461 00:06.650 0 Hoosier
54 00:13.948 00:07.072 00:06.876 0 Hoosier
55 01:44.599 01:37.646 00:06.953 0 Hoosier
56 00:14.095 00:07.322 00:06.773 0 Hoosier
57 00:14.095 00:07.206 00:06.889 0 Hoosier
58 00:14.199 00:07.323 00:06.876 0 Hoosier
59 00:14.067 00:07.217 00:06.850 0 Hoosier

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