Brands Hatch - Indy

15 Dec 23 23:59 CET
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# Name Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Crashes
1 Austin Mini Cooper S Appk 00:08:05.136 8 laps / 0 cuts 00:57.627
Tyre: Dunlop
00:59.925 0
2 Austin Mini Cooper S Appk 00:08:17.289 8 laps / 0 cuts 00:58.062
Tyre: Dunlop
01:01.008 7
3 Austin Mini Cooper S Appk 00:08:22.275 8 laps / 4 cuts 00:58.879
Tyre: Dunlop
01:03.165 8
4 Austin Mini Cooper S Appk 00:08:22.978 8 laps / 4 cuts 00:58.585
Tyre: Dunlop
01:00.765 5
5 Austin Mini Cooper S Appk 00:04:32.022 4 laps / 0 cuts 00:59.024
Tyre: Dunlop
01:07.610 4
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with car 3.4 MPH X: 0.5 Y: 0.0 Z: -1.8 X: -91.9 Y: -6.2 Z: -408.2
2 Collision with car 1.8 MPH X: -0.6 Y: -0.0 Z: 0.8 X: -91.1 Y: -6.2 Z: -408.7
3 Collision with car 2.6 MPH X: -0.1 Y: 0.0 Z: -1.9 X: 141.4 Y: -14.7 Z: -406.9
4 Collision with car 1.9 MPH X: 0.7 Y: 0.1 Z: -0.0 X: 150.6 Y: -16.7 Z: -395.3
5 Collision with car 4.5 MPH X: -0.7 Y: 0.1 Z: 0.2 X: 150.5 Y: -16.7 Z: -395.2
6 Collision with car 2.3 MPH X: 0.5 Y: 0.1 Z: 1.1 X: 141.4 Y: -14.6 Z: -406.8
7 Collision with environment 56.9 MPH X: -0.5 Y: -0.3 Z: 1.0 X: -8.6 Y: -10.6 Z: -392.9
8 Collision with car 14.6 MPH X: -0.7 Y: 0.1 Z: -0.5 X: 163.2 Y: -15.8 Z: -268.3
9 Collision with car 14.9 MPH X: 0.6 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.8 X: 160.7 Y: -17.6 Z: -283.2
10 Collision with car 14.2 MPH X: -0.6 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.8 X: 160.7 Y: -17.5 Z: -283.1
11 Collision with car 12.0 MPH X: 0.5 Y: 0.0 Z: 1.1 X: 163.3 Y: -15.9 Z: -268.6
12 Collision with car 11.7 MPH X: -0.3 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.9 X: 162.7 Y: -11.4 Z: -225.6
13 Collision with environment 21.6 MPH X: -0.5 Y: 0.1 Z: 1.1 X: -346.4 Y: -4.9 Z: -237.5
14 Collision with car 3.4 MPH X: 0.6 Y: -0.0 Z: 0.8 X: -249.3 Y: -10.3 Z: -240.6
15 Collision with car 2.8 MPH X: -0.5 Y: 0.0 Z: -1.8 X: -258.3 Y: -9.8 Z: -229.9
16 Collision with car 7.2 MPH X: -0.7 Y: 0.1 Z: 0.8 X: 141.7 Y: -2.0 Z: -136.4
17 Collision with car 4.9 MPH X: 0.7 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.1 X: 141.8 Y: -2.0 Z: -136.5
18 Collision with car 10.9 MPH X: 0.3 Y: -0.0 Z: 1.0 X: 145.2 Y: -3.3 Z: -153.0
19 Collision with car 12.2 MPH X: -0.1 Y: 0.0 Z: -1.9 X: 145.1 Y: -3.3 Z: -153.0
20 Collision with environment 4.9 MPH X: 0.6 Y: -0.2 Z: 0.9 X: 100.4 Y: -0.3 Z: -102.9
21 Collision with environment 7.8 MPH X: 0.6 Y: -0.2 Z: 0.9 X: 187.9 Y: -20.7 Z: -340.5
22 Collision with car 10.0 MPH X: -0.5 Y: 0.0 Z: -1.8 X: -127.7 Y: -14.1 Z: -310.7
23 Collision with environment 31.1 MPH X: -0.5 Y: 0.1 Z: 1.1 X: -76.6 Y: -7.2 Z: -400.9
24 Collision with environment 28.5 MPH X: -0.7 Y: 0.1 Z: 0.8 X: -68.9 Y: -6.8 Z: -405.3
25 Collision with car 46.4 MPH X: -0.3 Y: 0.1 Z: 1.1 X: -62.7 Y: -6.3 Z: -409.9
26 Collision with environment 29.0 MPH X: -0.5 Y: -0.3 Z: 1.0 X: 143.7 Y: -11.2 Z: -440.0
27 Collision with car 45.7 MPH X: -0.6 Y: -0.2 Z: 0.9 X: -62.7 Y: -6.6 Z: -409.8
Car Env Rel
ks_brands_hatch ks_brands_hatch collisions
1st Jamie Miles #222 in Austin Mini Cooper S Appk
Best: 00:57.627, Potential: 00:57.576
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 1 01:05.671 00:41.146 00:24.525 0 Dunlop
2 1 00:58.906 00:34.309 00:24.597 0 Dunlop
3 1 01:08.882 00:44.434 00:24.448 0 Dunlop
4 1 00:57.917 00:33.546 00:24.371 0 Dunlop
5 1 00:57.737 00:33.487
00:24.250 0 Dunlop
6 1 00:58.917 00:34.684 00:24.233 0 Dunlop
7 1 00:59.490 00:34.038 00:25.452 0 Dunlop
8 1 00:57.627
00:33.538 00:24.089
0 Dunlop
2nd Kyle O'Donnell 456 in Austin Mini Cooper S Appk
Best: 00:58.062, Potential: 00:57.835
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 4 01:10.226 00:45.692 00:24.534 0 Dunlop
2 2 00:58.062
00:24.400 0 Dunlop
3 4 01:07.347 00:41.584 00:25.763 0 Dunlop
4 3 00:58.922 00:34.749 00:24.173
0 Dunlop
5 3 01:03.533 00:38.990 00:24.543 0 Dunlop
6 4 01:02.575 00:38.153 00:24.422 0 Dunlop
7 3 00:58.200 00:33.755 00:24.445 0 Dunlop
8 2 00:58.418 00:33.920 00:24.498 0 Dunlop
3rd Mclaughlin 628 in Austin Mini Cooper S Appk
Best: 00:58.879, Potential: 01:02.257
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 2 01:08.509 00:42.603 00:25.906 0 Dunlop
2 3 01:02.709 00:38.093
00:24.616 0 Dunlop
3 3 01:04.215 00:38.713 00:25.502 0 Dunlop
4 4 01:00.043
00:35.324 00:24.719 1 Dunlop
5 2 01:02.573
00:38.409 00:24.164
0 Dunlop
6 2 01:00.568
00:35.966 00:24.602 1 Dunlop
7 2 00:58.879
00:34.057 00:24.822 1 Dunlop
8 3 01:04.765 00:39.115 00:25.650 1 Dunlop
4th Joshua Beattie in Austin Mini Cooper S Appk
Best: 00:58.585, Potential: 00:59.118
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 5 01:13.564 00:47.941 00:25.623 0 Dunlop
2 4 00:59.198
00:24.736 0 Dunlop
3 2 01:01.477 00:36.821 00:24.656
0 Dunlop
4 2 00:59.621
00:34.764 00:24.857 1 Dunlop
5 4 01:07.701 00:42.266 00:25.435 1 Dunlop
6 3 00:58.585
00:34.074 00:24.511 1 Dunlop
7 4 01:01.228 00:36.240 00:24.988 1 Dunlop
8 4 01:01.620 00:34.962 00:26.658 0 Dunlop
5th osworld in Austin Mini Cooper S Appk
Best: 00:59.024, Potential: 00:58.840
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 3 01:09.203 00:44.103 00:25.100 0 Dunlop
2 5 01:20.759 00:46.208 00:34.551 0 Dunlop
3 5 01:03.047 00:38.635 00:24.412
0 Dunlop
4 5 00:59.024
00:24.596 0 Dunlop

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