Nrms Ipswich Reverse - Oval

24 Nov 23 22:25 CET
Back to Results
# Name Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Crashes
1 ACSO V8 Hotstox (TW) 00:06:33.186 18 laps / 0 cuts 00:15.792
Tyre: FS
00:16.832 7
2 ACSO V8 Hotstox (SW) 00:06:36.842 18 laps / 0 cuts 00:15.915
Tyre: FS
00:16.842 37
3 ACSO V8 Hotstox (TW) 00:06:37.484 18 laps / 0 cuts 00:15.905
Tyre: FS
00:16.852 41
4 ACSO V8 Hotstox (TW) 00:06:39.589 18 laps / 0 cuts 00:16.028
Tyre: FS
00:17.010 33
5 ACSO V8 Hotstox (TW) 00:06:40.054 18 laps / 0 cuts 00:16.385
Tyre: FS
00:21.599 23
6 ACSO V8 Hotstox (TW) 00:06:40.358 18 laps / 0 cuts 00:16.189
Tyre: FS
00:21.287 27
7 ACSO V8 Hotstox (TW) 00:06:42.871 18 laps / 0 cuts 00:16.141
Tyre: FS
00:17.407 26
8 ACSO V8 Hotstox (LW) 00:06:47.269 18 laps / 0 cuts 00:16.150
Tyre: FS
00:17.852 20
9 ACSO V8 Hotstox (SW) 00:03:31.832 6 laps / 0 cuts 00:17.109
Tyre: FS
00:22.478 13
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with car 4.4 MPH X: 0.2 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -8.7 Y: -4.4 Z: 40.7
2 Collision with car 4.5 MPH X: 0.4 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.7 X: -8.7 Y: -4.4 Z: 40.7
3 Collision with car 7.7 MPH X: -0.0 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -3.1 Y: -4.4 Z: 41.0
4 Collision with car 7.7 MPH X: -0.3 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.7 X: -3.1 Y: -4.4 Z: 41.0
5 Collision with car 5.1 MPH X: -0.3 Y: 0.0 Z: -1.7 X: 69.5 Y: -4.4 Z: 24.0
6 Collision with car 6.5 MPH X: 0.6 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 69.4 Y: -4.7 Z: 24.1
7 Collision with car 12.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 87.8 Y: -4.5 Z: 8.4
8 Collision with car 16.5 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.4 X: 87.7 Y: -4.5 Z: 8.6
9 Collision with environment 16.3 MPH X: -0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 92.8 Y: -4.2 Z: -1.4
10 Collision with car 1.6 MPH X: -0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 90.4 Y: -4.5 Z: -5.7
11 Collision with car 1.1 MPH X: 0.2 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -72.5 Y: -4.3 Z: 8.3
12 Collision with car 3.9 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.7 X: -72.6 Y: -4.8 Z: 8.2
13 Collision with car 3.8 MPH X: 0.2 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -60.4 Y: -4.4 Z: -27.7
14 Collision with car 2.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: -0.2 X: -20.0 Y: -4.4 Z: -37.2
15 Collision with car 2.8 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -20.0 Y: -4.4 Z: -37.2
16 Collision with car 4.8 MPH X: 0.5 Y: 0.0 Z: -1.7 X: -60.1 Y: -4.4 Z: -27.4
17 Collision with environment 11.9 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -20.5 Y: -4.1 Z: 43.6
18 Collision with car 8.1 MPH X: 0.5 Y: 0.0 Z: -1.7 X: 3.9 Y: -4.5 Z: 37.3
19 Collision with car 7.6 MPH X: 0.6 Y: 0.0 Z: 2.0 X: 3.9 Y: -4.5 Z: 37.3
20 Collision with car 6.9 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.7 X: -73.4 Y: -4.7 Z: 13.0
21 Collision with car 1.6 MPH X: 0.6 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -67.8 Y: -4.6 Z: 25.3
22 Collision with car 5.6 MPH X: 0.6 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.7 X: -40.5 Y: -4.5 Z: 39.9
23 Collision with car 5.2 MPH X: 0.1 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -40.4 Y: -4.7 Z: 40.0
24 Collision with car 5.4 MPH X: -0.2 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -16.2 Y: -4.8 Z: 38.8
25 Collision with car 4.9 MPH X: -0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.6 X: -16.2 Y: -4.8 Z: 38.8
26 Collision with car 2.9 MPH X: 0.5 Y: 0.0 Z: 2.0 X: 19.7 Y: -4.4 Z: 37.5
27 Collision with car 2.9 MPH X: 0.6 Y: -0.0 Z: -1.7 X: 19.7 Y: -4.5 Z: 37.4
28 Collision with car 6.1 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 19.0 Y: -4.8 Z: -41.9
29 Collision with car 5.2 MPH X: -0.4 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.7 X: 19.0 Y: -4.8 Z: -41.9
30 Collision with car 2.2 MPH X: 0.6 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.7 X: 77.4 Y: -4.5 Z: -25.0
31 Collision with car 1.3 MPH X: -0.3 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -38.3 Y: -4.4 Z: -37.5
32 Collision with car 1.7 MPH X: 0.5 Y: 0.0 Z: 2.0 X: 77.1 Y: -4.3 Z: -25.5
33 Collision with car 3.0 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: -0.3 X: -58.4 Y: -4.5 Z: -31.1
34 Collision with car 1.4 MPH X: 0.5 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.7 X: -37.9 Y: -4.4 Z: -36.8
35 Collision with car 5.0 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -73.3 Y: -4.3 Z: -7.9
36 Collision with car 8.9 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -0.7 X: -60.7 Y: -4.6 Z: -27.2
37 Collision with car 4.4 MPH X: -0.5 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -51.3 Y: -4.7 Z: 32.2
38 Collision with car 8.1 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.2 X: -73.3 Y: -4.3 Z: -8.1
39 Collision with car 4.4 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -60.9 Y: -4.5 Z: -27.0
40 Collision with car 8.4 MPH X: -0.7 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 50.2 Y: -4.8 Z: 36.1
41 Collision with car 4.3 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.0 X: -74.6 Y: -4.4 Z: -13.4
42 Collision with car 0.4 MPH X: -0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.4 X: -75.0 Y: -4.5 Z: -12.7
43 Collision with car 4.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 1.6 X: 1.5 Y: -4.2 Z: 41.4
44 Collision with environment 2.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 4.7 Y: -4.7 Z: 43.3
45 Collision with car 3.8 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 2.0 Y: -4.2 Z: 41.4
46 Collision with environment 0.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 22.6 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
47 Collision with environment 0.4 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 5.8 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.9
48 Collision with car 8.6 MPH X: -0.6 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -54.3 Y: -4.8 Z: -31.7
49 Collision with car 9.5 MPH X: 0.5 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.7 X: -53.5 Y: -4.8 Z: -31.2
50 Collision with environment 5.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: -5.5 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.4
51 Collision with environment 1.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 0.0 Y: -4.8 Z: 43.4
52 Collision with environment 3.4 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: -4.4 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.4
53 Collision with car 5.4 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.2 Z: 2.0 X: 63.9 Y: -4.2 Z: 29.1
54 Collision with environment 11.5 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 4.6 Y: -4.8 Z: 43.3
55 Collision with car 2.1 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.6 X: 55.5 Y: -4.7 Z: 34.1
56 Collision with car 3.1 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: 80.8 Y: -4.3 Z: -2.7
57 Collision with environment 5.9 MPH X: -0.8 Y: -0.0 Z: -1.4 X: 38.4 Y: -4.4 Z: -44.7
58 Collision with environment 1.1 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: -5.5 Y: -4.5 Z: -44.9
59 Collision with environment 4.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: -86.9 Y: -4.4 Z: 2.9
60 Collision with car 5.6 MPH X: 0.5 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.7 X: -31.9 Y: -4.8 Z: -40.3
61 Collision with car 5.1 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -32.7 Y: -4.8 Z: -40.1
62 Collision with environment 12.7 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: -1.5 X: -40.7 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.7
63 Collision with environment 1.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 15.7 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.2
64 Collision with car 8.5 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -23.5 Y: -4.3 Z: 41.6
65 Collision with environment 61.6 MPH X: -0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -8.8 Y: -4.1 Z: 43.5
66 Collision with car 7.7 MPH X: -0.0 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 53.0 Y: -4.8 Z: 34.8
67 Collision with car 6.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.2 Z: 0.5 X: -32.6 Y: -4.3 Z: 40.8
68 Collision with environment 17.0 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 92.5 Y: -4.5 Z: -7.7
69 Collision with car 9.2 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.7 X: 52.6 Y: -4.8 Z: 35.0
70 Collision with environment 4.0 MPH X: -0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 47.8 Y: -4.5 Z: -44.7
71 Collision with environment 4.1 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 46.7 Y: -4.4 Z: -44.7
72 Collision with environment 3.4 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 54.6 Y: -4.6 Z: -44.3
73 Collision with environment 2.8 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: -1.3 X: 29.0 Y: -4.4 Z: -44.7
74 Collision with environment 1.4 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 9.5 Y: -4.8 Z: 43.3
75 Collision with environment 4.1 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: 24.6 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
76 Collision with environment 5.7 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -9.0 Y: -4.3 Z: 43.6
77 Collision with environment 10.8 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: -26.6 Y: -4.8 Z: 43.6
78 Collision with car 6.8 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.7 X: 61.8 Y: -4.8 Z: 29.1
79 Collision with car 4.4 MPH X: 0.6 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 62.5 Y: -4.8 Z: 28.6
80 Collision with environment 10.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -4.9 Y: -4.7 Z: 43.4
81 Collision with environment 1.5 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.4 X: 10.3 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.3
82 Collision with environment 3.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 57.3 Y: -4.3 Z: -43.8
83 Collision with car 3.0 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -20.8 Y: -4.4 Z: -43.6
84 Collision with environment 47.6 MPH X: -0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -70.0 Y: -3.9 Z: -34.2
85 Collision with car 1.9 MPH X: 0.4 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.7 X: -19.6 Y: -4.8 Z: -43.7
86 Collision with environment 2.7 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 23.0 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
87 Collision with environment 8.1 MPH X: -0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -74.8 Y: -4.5 Z: -29.7
88 Collision with car 5.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: -1.2 X: 36.3 Y: -4.4 Z: -43.0
89 Collision with car 7.4 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.2 Z: 2.0 X: 66.7 Y: -4.1 Z: -34.9
90 Collision with environment 48.3 MPH X: -0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 50.6 Y: -4.1 Z: -44.6
91 Collision with car 8.7 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: 2.0 X: 36.6 Y: -4.4 Z: -42.9
92 Collision with environment 42.4 MPH X: -0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -65.5 Y: -3.9 Z: 36.1
93 Collision with car 3.1 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 66.5 Y: -4.4 Z: -35.2
94 Collision with environment 13.0 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: 43.7 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.7
95 Collision with car 4.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: 10.0 Y: -4.3 Z: -41.6
96 Collision with environment 6.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 20.4 Y: -4.4 Z: -44.8
97 Collision with car 3.9 MPH X: 0.2 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -67.8 Y: -4.3 Z: -19.3
98 Collision with car 3.1 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.0 X: 9.5 Y: -4.3 Z: -41.6
99 Collision with environment 10.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 11.3 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
100 Collision with car 5.3 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.0 Z: -1.7 X: -67.0 Y: -4.4 Z: -19.8
101 Collision with environment 2.1 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 4.5 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.3
102 Collision with environment 4.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 27.9 Y: -4.1 Z: -44.7
103 Collision with environment 4.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: -1.5 X: 29.0 Y: -4.4 Z: -44.7
104 Collision with car 5.7 MPH X: 0.4 Y: 0.0 Z: 2.0 X: -47.7 Y: -4.4 Z: -33.3
105 Collision with car 8.2 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.7 X: -47.4 Y: -4.8 Z: -33.3
106 Collision with car 3.4 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.0 X: -66.5 Y: -4.6 Z: 21.4
107 Collision with car 7.1 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.1 X: -67.0 Y: -4.6 Z: 20.9
108 Collision with environment 50.1 MPH X: -0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 74.0 Y: -3.9 Z: -37.0
109 Collision with car 10.2 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.7 X: -45.6 Y: -4.3 Z: -35.3
110 Collision with car 8.7 MPH X: -0.1 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -46.1 Y: -4.3 Z: -35.3
111 Collision with car 2.3 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.6 X: -32.0 Y: -4.3 Z: 39.6
112 Collision with car 1.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -33.1 Y: -4.3 Z: 39.4
113 Collision with environment 1.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 7.4 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.3
114 Collision with environment 1.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 4.1 Y: -4.8 Z: 43.3
115 Collision with environment 3.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -15.9 Y: -4.1 Z: 43.6
116 Collision with environment 1.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 3.6 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.3
117 Collision with car 2.8 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: 2.0 X: 4.1 Y: -4.5 Z: -42.8
118 Collision with car 3.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: -1.2 X: 4.8 Y: -4.4 Z: -42.8
119 Collision with environment 1.8 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: 20.4 Y: -4.8 Z: -44.8
120 Collision with environment 11.7 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -7.5 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.9
121 Collision with car 5.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -74.6 Y: -4.5 Z: -6.6
122 Collision with car 7.8 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -0.4 X: -74.5 Y: -4.4 Z: -7.3
123 Collision with car 5.5 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.0 X: -72.4 Y: -4.6 Z: 13.7
124 Collision with environment 19.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 9.6 Y: -4.1 Z: -44.8
125 Collision with car 1.4 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: 2.0 X: -61.6 Y: -4.4 Z: 27.1
126 Collision with car 3.2 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.3 X: -12.0 Y: -4.7 Z: 40.9
127 Collision with environment 3.1 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -0.0 Y: -4.8 Z: 43.4
128 Collision with environment 55.7 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -31.3 Y: -4.1 Z: 43.6
129 Collision with car 2.5 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -11.5 Y: -4.7 Z: 40.9
130 Collision with car 4.9 MPH X: 0.6 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.7 X: 65.6 Y: -4.3 Z: 27.4
131 Collision with car 3.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 66.0 Y: -4.8 Z: 27.1
132 Collision with environment 7.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 47.1 Y: -4.4 Z: -44.7
133 Collision with car 11.3 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.1 X: 61.4 Y: -4.5 Z: -36.1
134 Collision with environment 2.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: 24.1 Y: -4.8 Z: -44.8
135 Collision with car 6.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.0 X: 60.7 Y: -4.6 Z: -36.4
136 Collision with environment 0.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: 41.1 Y: -4.3 Z: -44.7
137 Collision with car 7.4 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.0 Z: -1.7 X: -26.9 Y: -4.5 Z: -40.8
138 Collision with car 4.0 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -23.8 Y: -4.2 Z: -41.1
139 Collision with environment 62.3 MPH X: -0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 23.6 Y: -4.1 Z: -44.8
140 Collision with environment 7.0 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: 42.2 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.7
141 Collision with environment 7.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: -12.7 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.6
142 Collision with environment 0.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 6.9 Y: -4.8 Z: 43.3
143 Collision with environment 6.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -8.8 Y: -4.1 Z: 43.5
144 Collision with environment 0.8 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 13.8 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.2
145 Collision with environment 10.8 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 11.2 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
146 Collision with car 9.1 MPH X: -0.4 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 46.3 Y: -4.8 Z: 36.6
147 Collision with environment 2.0 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 3.5 Y: -4.8 Z: 43.3
148 Collision with car 10.0 MPH X: 0.5 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.7 X: 45.8 Y: -4.4 Z: 35.9
149 Collision with environment 1.4 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 0.4 Y: -4.7 Z: 43.3
150 Collision with environment 1.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: -1.6 X: 87.7 Y: -4.2 Z: -22.1
151 Collision with car 5.4 MPH X: 0.2 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -51.6 Y: -4.3 Z: -31.8
152 Collision with environment 62.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 29.0 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.7
153 Collision with car 0.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: -75.2 Y: -4.5 Z: 8.0
154 Collision with environment 61.5 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 16.0 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
155 Collision with car 7.3 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.2 Z: 2.0 X: -75.9 Y: -4.1 Z: 3.1
156 Collision with environment 5.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: -30.5 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.6
157 Collision with car 0.0 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.1 X: 49.2 Y: -4.5 Z: 37.4
158 Collision with environment 0.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: 1.0 Y: -4.8 Z: 43.3
159 Collision with environment 5.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: -28.7 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.6
160 Collision with car 3.9 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.2 Z: 2.0 X: 34.8 Y: -4.2 Z: 39.6
161 Collision with environment 2.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -4.9 Y: -4.7 Z: 43.4
162 Collision with car 2.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: 67.8 Y: -4.3 Z: -28.0
163 Collision with car 7.1 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 68.5 Y: -4.3 Z: -27.4
164 Collision with environment 5.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: 24.1 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
165 Collision with environment 3.4 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: 19.5 Y: -4.8 Z: -44.8
166 Collision with car 4.8 MPH X: -0.7 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -57.7 Y: -4.3 Z: 32.3
167 Collision with car 5.0 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.0 X: -39.5 Y: -4.6 Z: 37.5
168 Collision with car 5.6 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -0.6 X: -23.3 Y: -4.5 Z: 40.8
169 Collision with environment 3.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -1.7 Y: -4.8 Z: 43.4
170 Collision with car 1.4 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.0 X: -29.5 Y: -4.6 Z: 39.6
171 Collision with car 2.1 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -21.9 Y: -4.5 Z: 40.8
172 Collision with environment 2.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 3.1 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.3
173 Collision with car 11.4 MPH X: 0.6 Y: 0.0 Z: 2.0 X: 9.2 Y: -4.4 Z: 41.8
174 Collision with car 8.6 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.0 Z: -1.7 X: 65.0 Y: -4.4 Z: 27.8
175 Collision with environment 1.5 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 15.0 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.2
176 Collision with environment 2.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: -1.5 X: -1.5 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.4
177 Collision with car 10.6 MPH X: -0.3 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.7 X: 9.1 Y: -4.4 Z: 42.6
178 Collision with car 0.5 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: -1.3 X: 58.0 Y: -4.4 Z: -38.3
179 Collision with car 6.0 MPH X: 0.7 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 65.3 Y: -4.8 Z: 27.5
180 Collision with environment 6.7 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: -28.9 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.6
181 Collision with environment 6.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 30.3 Y: -4.4 Z: -44.7
182 Collision with environment 10.4 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 20.6 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
183 Collision with car 2.1 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: 2.0 X: 57.0 Y: -4.4 Z: -38.6
184 Collision with environment 5.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: 39.7 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.7
185 Collision with environment 2.1 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 30.0 Y: -4.4 Z: -44.7
186 Collision with environment 10.0 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 1.9 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.9
187 Collision with environment 0.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 10.3 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
188 Collision with car 7.2 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.7 X: -34.7 Y: -4.4 Z: -38.6
189 Collision with car 4.6 MPH X: -0.4 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -35.3 Y: -4.4 Z: -38.3
190 Collision with car 2.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: 2.0 X: 0.8 Y: -4.5 Z: 41.4
191 Collision with car 8.2 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.2 X: -51.2 Y: -4.3 Z: 34.2
192 Collision with car 2.6 MPH X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.0 X: 0.8 Y: -4.6 Z: 41.4
193 Collision with car 4.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: -50.9 Y: -4.4 Z: 34.3
194 Collision with environment 1.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 10.8 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
195 Collision with environment 8.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 40.2 Y: -4.4 Z: -44.7
196 Collision with environment 3.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: 11.0 Y: -4.8 Z: -44.8
197 Collision with environment 0.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: -0.6 Y: -4.5 Z: -44.9
198 Collision with environment 0.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.6 X: 8.8 Y: -4.6 Z: 43.3
199 Collision with environment 2.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -0.8 X: -8.6 Y: -4.8 Z: 43.5
200 Collision with environment 1.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 9.9 Y: -4.5 Z: 43.3
201 Collision with environment 2.8 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -2.8 Y: -4.7 Z: 43.4
202 Collision with environment 0.7 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 1.7 Y: -4.5 Z: -44.9
203 Collision with environment 1.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 15.1 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
204 Collision with environment 12.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: 40.9 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.7
205 Collision with environment 1.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 17.6 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
206 Collision with environment 68.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 6.2 Y: -4.1 Z: 43.3
207 Collision with environment 6.5 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: -1.3 X: -18.1 Y: -4.4 Z: 43.6
208 Collision with environment 4.0 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 27.3 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
209 Collision with environment 3.4 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 26.5 Y: -4.4 Z: -44.8
210 Collision with car 4.6 MPH X: 0.2 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.7 X: -63.4 Y: -4.3 Z: 24.3
211 Collision with environment 10.6 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 6.5 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.8
212 Collision with car 5.2 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.0 Z: 2.0 X: -63.1 Y: -4.3 Z: 24.6
213 Collision with car 6.9 MPH X: 0.9 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.5 X: -70.1 Y: -4.2 Z: -15.1
214 Collision with environment 6.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.6 X: 27.4 Y: -4.4 Z: -44.8
215 Collision with environment 2.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: -4.7 Y: -4.7 Z: 43.4
216 Collision with car 14.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: 52.7 Y: -4.3 Z: -38.1
217 Collision with car 7.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: 62.0 Y: -4.2 Z: -35.5
218 Collision with car 19.9 MPH X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.0 X: 41.5 Y: -4.3 Z: -40.4
219 Collision with car 8.8 MPH X: 0.6 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.7 X: 62.2 Y: -4.7 Z: -35.4
220 Collision with car 19.3 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: 2.0 X: 40.4 Y: -4.5 Z: -43.0
221 Collision with car 14.8 MPH X: 0.8 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.7 X: 52.6 Y: -4.3 Z: -38.0
222 Collision with environment 21.7 MPH X: -0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 43.1 Y: -4.7 Z: -44.7
223 Collision with car 48.6 MPH X: 0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.7 X: 43.9 Y: -4.7 Z: -42.1
224 Collision with car 21.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: 40.6 Y: -4.7 Z: -43.0
225 Collision with car 48.5 MPH X: -0.5 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 43.9 Y: -4.7 Z: -42.1
226 Collision with car 20.0 MPH X: -0.0 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.7 X: 41.3 Y: -4.7 Z: -40.3
227 Collision with environment 5.2 MPH X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 1.8 Y: -4.8 Z: -44.9
Car Env Rel
nrms_ipswich_reverse nrms_ipswich_reverse collisions
1st martin_wallace in ACSO V8 Hotstox (TW)
Best: 00:15.792, Potential: 1193:02:58.654
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 6 01:47.051 00:26.128 1193:02:37.904
01:30.315 0 FS
2 5 00:29.334 00:24.339 1193:02:38.547 00:13.744 0 FS
3 5 00:16.262 00:11.403 1193:02:42.292 00:09.863 0 FS
4 5 00:16.104 00:11.338 1193:02:42.315 00:09.747 0 FS
5 4 00:16.227 00:11.358 1193:02:42.368 00:09.797 0 FS
6 3 00:16.051 00:11.389 1193:02:42.292 00:09.666 0 FS
7 3 00:15.980 00:11.282 1193:02:42.319 00:09.675 0 FS
8 2 00:16.149 00:11.536 1193:02:42.134 00:09.775 0 FS
9 2 00:16.101 00:11.236 1193:02:42.351 00:09.810 0 FS
10 2 00:16.613 00:11.294 1193:02:42.270 00:10.345 0 FS
11 1 00:16.162 00:11.604 1193:02:41.994 00:09.860 0 FS
12 1 00:15.792
00:11.161 1193:02:42.315 00:09.612
0 FS
13 1 00:15.826 00:11.227 1193:02:42.278 00:09.617 0 FS
14 1 00:15.859 00:11.138
1193:02:42.364 00:09.653 0 FS
15 1 00:15.913 00:11.238 1193:02:42.305 00:09.666 0 FS
16 1 00:15.868 00:11.152 1193:02:42.323 00:09.689 0 FS
17 1 00:16.084 00:11.278 1193:02:42.328 00:09.774 0 FS
18 1 00:15.832 00:11.220 1193:02:42.260 00:09.648 0 FS
2nd Kyle O'Donnell 456 in ACSO V8 Hotstox (SW)
Best: 00:15.915, Potential: 1193:02:15.923
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 8 01:50.557 01:14.301 1193:01:55.042
01:28.510 0 FS
2 7 00:26.380 00:21.596 1193:02:40.362 00:11.718 0 FS
3 7 00:16.268 00:11.462 1193:02:42.167 00:09.935 0 FS
4 6 00:16.238 00:11.468 1193:02:42.239 00:09.827 0 FS
5 7 00:16.652 00:11.865 1193:02:42.264 00:09.819 0 FS
6 6 00:16.121 00:11.450 1193:02:42.166 00:09.801 0 FS
7 5 00:16.328 00:11.482 1193:02:42.202 00:09.940 0 FS
8 5 00:16.320 00:11.388 1193:02:42.175 00:10.053 0 FS
9 4 00:16.150 00:11.317 1193:02:42.279 00:09.850 0 FS
10 4 00:16.223 00:11.282 1193:02:42.266 00:09.971 0 FS
11 5 00:16.864 00:12.193 1193:02:42.036 00:09.931 0 FS
12 5 00:16.097 00:11.309 1193:02:42.198 00:09.886 0 FS
13 3 00:16.243 00:11.243
1193:02:42.283 00:10.013 0 FS
14 3 00:16.008 00:11.355 1193:02:42.184 00:09.765 0 FS
15 2 00:16.222 00:11.574 1193:02:42.300 00:09.644 0 FS
16 2 00:15.980 00:11.399 1193:02:42.239 00:09.638
0 FS
17 2 00:15.915
00:11.343 1193:02:42.211 00:09.657 0 FS
18 2 00:16.307 00:11.533 1193:02:42.103 00:09.967 0 FS
3rd Daniel Dickson - #3 in ACSO V8 Hotstox (TW)
Best: 00:15.905, Potential: 1193:02:02.019
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 9 01:51.018 01:29.813 1193:01:41.205
01:27.296 0 FS
2 9 00:26.680 00:21.559 1193:02:40.389 00:12.028 0 FS
3 8 00:15.908 00:11.382 1193:02:42.206 00:09.616 0 FS
4 7 00:16.041 00:11.559 1193:02:42.021 00:09.757 0 FS
5 6 00:16.195 00:11.375 1193:02:42.338 00:09.778 0 FS
6 5 00:16.048 00:11.373 1193:02:42.193 00:09.778 0 FS
7 4 00:16.286 00:11.557 1193:02:42.225 00:09.800 0 FS
8 4 00:16.437 00:11.486 1193:02:42.158 00:10.089 0 FS
9 5 00:16.650 00:11.308 1193:02:42.409 00:10.229 0 FS
10 5 00:16.083 00:11.249 1193:02:42.279 00:09.851 0 FS
11 4 00:16.254 00:11.677 1193:02:42.215 00:09.658 0 FS
12 4 00:16.083 00:11.353 1193:02:42.243 00:09.783 0 FS
13 4 00:16.974 00:11.645 1193:02:41.924 00:10.701 0 FS
14 4 00:16.852 00:11.857 1193:02:42.359 00:09.932 0 FS
15 4 00:15.954 00:11.359 1193:02:42.301 00:09.590 0 FS
16 3 00:15.938 00:11.326 1193:02:42.328 00:09.580 0 FS
17 3 00:15.905
00:11.288 1193:02:42.338 00:09.575
0 FS
18 3 00:16.198 00:11.239
1193:02:42.233 00:10.022 0 FS
4th Mclaughlin 628 in ACSO V8 Hotstox (TW)
Best: 00:16.028, Potential: 1193:02:46.764
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 7 01:50.411 00:42.916 1193:02:25.602
01:29.189 0 FS
2 8 00:26.867 00:22.007 1193:02:40.330 00:11.826 0 FS
3 9 00:16.608 00:11.802 1193:02:41.891 00:10.211 0 FS
4 8 00:16.330 00:11.789 1193:02:41.978 00:09.859 0 FS
5 8 00:16.278 00:11.485 1193:02:42.143 00:09.946 0 FS
6 7 00:16.028
1193:02:42.162 00:09.724
0 FS
7 6 00:16.526 00:11.815 1193:02:41.873 00:10.134 0 FS
8 6 00:16.104 00:11.527 1193:02:42.112 00:09.761 0 FS
9 6 00:16.307 00:11.551 1193:02:42.198 00:09.854 0 FS
10 6 00:16.131 00:11.595 1193:02:42.044 00:09.788 0 FS
11 6 00:17.032 00:12.442 1193:02:41.617 00:10.269 0 FS
12 6 00:16.093 00:11.467 1193:02:42.126 00:09.796 0 FS
13 6 00:16.601 00:11.768 1193:02:41.919 00:10.210 0 FS
14 6 00:16.392 00:11.838 1193:02:42.084 00:09.766 0 FS
15 5 00:16.758 00:11.699 1193:02:42.238 00:10.117 0 FS
16 5 00:16.321 00:11.722 1193:02:41.950 00:09.945 0 FS
17 5 00:16.197 00:11.607 1193:02:42.111 00:09.775 0 FS
18 4 00:16.605 00:11.632 1193:02:42.076 00:10.193 0 FS
5th tombri529 in ACSO V8 Hotstox (TW)
Best: 00:16.385, Potential: 1193:02:55.788
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 1 00:32.884 00:24.420 1193:02:40.546 00:15.214 0 FS
2 2 01:40.032 01:34.717 1193:02:34.521
00:18.090 0 FS
3 2 00:16.685 00:11.718 1193:02:42.210 00:10.053 0 FS
4 2 00:16.405 00:11.540 1193:02:42.274 00:09.887
0 FS
5 2 00:16.705 00:11.912 1193:02:41.806 00:10.283 0 FS
6 2 00:17.416 00:12.601 1193:02:42.112 00:09.999 0 FS
7 2 00:16.516 00:11.512 1193:02:42.323 00:09.977 0 FS
8 3 00:17.088 00:11.553 1193:02:42.215 00:10.616 0 FS
9 3 00:16.487 00:11.380
1193:02:42.315 00:10.088 0 FS
10 3 00:16.410 00:11.559 1193:02:42.183 00:09.964 0 FS
11 3 00:16.474 00:11.799 1193:02:41.904 00:10.067 0 FS
12 3 00:16.408 00:11.462 1193:02:42.194 00:10.048 0 FS
13 5 00:17.164 00:12.444 1193:02:42.003 00:10.013 0 FS
14 5 00:16.881 00:11.624 1193:02:42.252 00:10.301 0 FS
15 6 00:17.248 00:12.312 1193:02:42.053 00:10.179 0 FS
16 6 00:16.489 00:11.670 1193:02:42.156 00:09.959 0 FS
17 6 00:16.385
00:11.701 1193:02:41.991 00:09.989 0 FS
18 5 00:16.405 00:11.504 1193:02:42.207 00:09.990 0 FS
6th Calvin Boyd in ACSO V8 Hotstox (TW)
Best: 00:16.189, Potential: 1193:02:55.808
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 2 00:38.499 00:26.794 1193:02:38.134 00:20.867 0 FS
2 1 01:33.941 01:28.992 1193:02:34.587
00:17.658 0 FS
3 1 00:16.616 00:11.739 1193:02:42.075 00:10.098 0 FS
4 1 00:16.626 00:11.460 1193:02:42.336 00:10.126 0 FS
5 1 00:16.830 00:11.659 1193:02:42.251 00:10.216 0 FS
6 1 00:16.960 00:12.253 1193:02:41.914 00:10.089 0 FS
7 1 00:16.520 00:11.480 1193:02:42.329 00:10.007 0 FS
8 1 00:16.189
1193:02:42.251 00:09.851 0 FS
9 1 00:16.840 00:11.958 1193:02:42.076 00:10.102 0 FS
10 1 00:16.503 00:11.656 1193:02:42.270 00:09.873 0 FS
11 2 00:16.965 00:12.100 1193:02:41.824 00:10.337 0 FS
12 2 00:16.807 00:11.654 1193:02:42.256 00:10.193 0 FS
13 2 00:16.453 00:11.593 1193:02:42.121 00:10.035 0 FS
14 2 00:16.530 00:11.683 1193:02:42.305 00:09.838
0 FS
15 3 00:17.090 00:12.190 1193:02:42.009 00:10.187 0 FS
16 4 00:16.734 00:12.085 1193:02:42.098 00:09.847 0 FS
17 4 00:16.613 00:11.758 1193:02:42.265 00:09.886 0 FS
18 6 00:17.665 00:11.878 1193:02:42.045 00:11.038 0 FS
7th Freds38 in ACSO V8 Hotstox (TW)
Best: 00:16.141, Potential: 1193:02:55.969
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 5 01:46.966 00:37.423 1193:02:34.907
01:21.932 0 FS
2 6 00:29.427 00:24.229 1193:02:39.052 00:13.442 0 FS
3 6 00:16.735 00:11.727 1193:02:42.220 00:10.084 0 FS
4 9 00:19.284 00:11.840 1193:02:42.121 00:12.619 0 FS
5 9 00:17.622 00:12.798 1193:02:42.026 00:10.094 0 FS
6 8 00:16.506 00:11.776 1193:02:41.891 00:10.135 0 FS
7 8 00:16.249 00:11.434 1193:02:42.134 00:09.977 0 FS
8 8 00:16.178 00:11.454 1193:02:42.201 00:09.819 0 FS
9 8 00:16.360 00:11.577 1193:02:42.143 00:09.936 0 FS
10 8 00:16.633 00:11.629 1193:02:42.162 00:10.138 0 FS
11 8 00:16.178 00:11.606 1193:02:42.167 00:09.701
0 FS
12 8 00:16.292 00:11.361
1193:02:42.255 00:09.972 0 FS
13 8 00:16.378 00:11.531 1193:02:41.991 00:10.152 0 FS
14 8 00:16.691 00:11.787 1193:02:42.035 00:10.165 0 FS
15 7 00:16.549 00:11.676 1193:02:42.174 00:09.995 0 FS
16 7 00:16.404 00:11.625 1193:02:42.012 00:10.063 0 FS
17 7 00:16.141
00:11.474 1193:02:42.167 00:09.796 0 FS
18 7 00:16.300 00:11.422 1193:02:42.279 00:09.895 0 FS
8th Joshua Beattie in ACSO V8 Hotstox (LW)
Best: 00:16.150, Potential: 1193:02:57.772
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 4 01:43.793 00:28.652 1193:02:39.327 01:23.110 0 FS
2 4 00:31.286 00:26.544 1193:02:36.640
00:15.398 0 FS
3 4 00:16.608 00:11.739 1193:02:42.139 00:10.026 0 FS
4 4 00:16.407 00:11.609 1193:02:42.076 00:10.018 0 FS
5 5 00:16.920 00:11.853 1193:02:42.008 00:10.355 0 FS
6 4 00:16.740 00:11.875 1193:02:42.125 00:10.036 0 FS
7 7 00:17.671 00:12.802 1193:02:41.316 00:10.849 0 FS
8 7 00:16.341 00:11.750 1193:02:41.937 00:09.950 0 FS
9 7 00:16.150
1193:02:42.260 00:09.846 0 FS
10 7 00:16.417 00:11.652 1193:02:42.125 00:09.936 0 FS
11 7 00:16.619 00:12.012 1193:02:42.111 00:09.792
0 FS
12 7 00:16.455 00:11.455 1193:02:42.193 00:10.103 0 FS
13 7 00:16.353 00:11.699 1193:02:42.126 00:09.824 0 FS
14 7 00:16.308 00:11.654 1193:02:41.996 00:09.954 0 FS
15 8 00:23.368 00:18.688 1193:02:41.968 00:10.008 0 FS
16 8 00:16.750 00:11.674 1193:02:42.193 00:10.179 0 FS
17 8 00:16.674 00:11.611 1193:02:42.184 00:10.175 0 FS
18 8 00:16.424 00:11.475 1193:02:42.084 00:10.161 0 FS
9th KaydenOgilvie#265 in ACSO V8 Hotstox (SW)
Best: 00:17.109, Potential: 1193:02:56.291
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 3 01:39.448 00:38.180 1193:02:35.570 01:12.994 0 FS
2 3 00:33.621 00:28.616 1193:02:34.692 00:17.609 0 FS
3 3 00:17.307 00:12.312 1193:02:42.156 00:10.135
0 FS
4 3 00:17.109
00:12.122 1193:02:42.108 00:10.175 0 FS
5 3 00:17.171 00:12.032
1193:02:42.239 00:10.196 0 FS
6 9 00:27.183 00:20.086 1193:02:34.124
00:20.269 0 FS

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